Friday, November 20, 2015

 My first time going to Old Sacramento was AMAZING!!!
I had so much fun. It started off with me freezing my butt off but once I walked into town, I was so excited and inspired to take as many photos as I can:) My favorite part about the trip was all the interesting photo opportunities! The stairs were so cool-looking and even though they look like they were about to break once you stepped on them:) The store Candy Heaven was awesome I ate a chocolate covered cricket, and ate nasty taffy. I went on the boat Delta King and conquered my fears of bridges and crossed it. My first experience was amazing and so much fun, I wish we can do it all over again:) Thanks Derek!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

 Halloween parade at Peter Burnett Elementary School. I love working with these kids everyday, they make me smile and laugh every time I see them.